2021 Collegiate Recovery Conference Resources
May 20 – Day 1
What’s in Washington’s Recovery Soup: Priorities, Funding, Key Champions, & Critical Initiatives
- Land Acknowledgements
- Washington State Coalitions
- Washington Recovery Alliance membership
- Contact for State Rep. Lauren Davis
Blossoming: A Glimpse into Washington State’s Four, Collegiate Recovery Seed Grantees’ Progress
- Gonzaga University:
- Washington State University:
- Whitman College
- Green River College
May 21 – Day 2
No Wrong Door to Student Success: From Overdose to Graduation
- Guilford County Solution to the Opioid Problem
- New Choices Recovery
- Stop Overdose
- Learn About Treatment
- America’s Drug Overdose Epidemic: Putting Data to Action
- State of Washington Re-Entry Program (Navigator) for persons who have been previously incarcerated
- WSU Good Samaritan Guidelines
- State of Washington Good Samaritan WAC
- Online Museum of African American Addictions, Treatment and Recovery
- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
- Acknowledgement of Maslow‘s connection to Blackfoot indigenous knowledge
Innovations in Statewide Collegiate Recovery Research and Evaluation
- Washington State Collegiate Recovery Environmental Scan
- Transforming Youth Recovery
- The continuation of the 2017 Census is live as of December!
- Example - WSU scholarship
- Other resources on this question include Virtual Learning Community 2 on January 7th, featuring Austin Brown and Jessica McDaniel | Video | PowerPoint
Bridging the Gap: Connecting with Washington’s Tribal Communities
- Land Acknowledgements
- Malama Project at UHawaii has also deeply implemented indigenous ways of knowing and White Bison’s guidance into their CRP/Healing Community
- Addition and Recovery in Native America: Lost History, Enduring Lessons by Don Coyhis and William White on the intersection of indigenous cultures, research and recovery
- Canadaland Podcast: episode 359 and episode 348
- SAMHSA Gathering of Native Americans Fact Sheet
- "Using the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies to Decolonize Counseling Practice: The Important Roles of Theory, Power, and Action" by Anneliese A. Singh, Brandee Appling, and Heather Trepal
- "Honoring Children, Mending the Circle: Cultural Adaptation of Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for American Indian and Alaska Native Children" by Dolores Subia BigFoot and Susan R. Schmidt
- White Bison Wellbriety VOA
- Effect of Incentives for Alcohol Abstinence in Partnership With 3 American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- The rewarding recovery study: a randomized controlled trial of incentives for alcohol and drug abstinence with a rural American Indian community
- Rewarding Recovery Interview Series
- Contact for Kait Hirchak
- Heal Our Communities Action Kit
- SAMHSA and Tribal Technical Assistance/Resources:
- Tribal Training and Technical Assistance Center
- Tribal Prevention and Wellness Programs
- National American Indian & Alaska Native PTTC Network recruiting mentors and mentees for Leadership Academy
- Healthy Native Youth adolescent health curricula resource portal for educators, parents and caring adults
- Tribal Best Practices – resources for culturally-informed programs and strategies for American Indian and Alaska Native populations:
- Substance use prevention and mental health promotion programs effective in tribal communities - Final report
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - Cultural approaches to prevention
- Prevention and mental health promotion programming for Washington State tribal communities presentation - May 21, 2018
- Final list of tribal prevention programs
- List of excluded tribal prevention programs
- Join the Athena prevention newsletter to receive notifications and updates
- Health Care Authority - Office of Tribal Affairs
- Washington Tribal Opioid Solutions - DBHR opioid abuse and misuse prevention media campaign
- DBHR’s Washington’s Best Practices for Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Guide
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Tribal Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Center offers training and technical assistance (TTA) on mental and substance use disorders, suicide prevention, and mental health promotion using the Strategic Cultural Framework
- Choosing programs for Tribal communities
- Native Connections webinars guide grantees on steps toward reducing suicidal behavior and substance use among youth. Access pre-recorded webinars on assessing your community's needs, developing a strategic action plan, and more.
- The Native Wellness Institute exists to promote the well-being of Native people through programs and trainings that embrace the teachings and traditions of our ancestors. NWI has a wealth of experience and expertise working for tribal programs, tribal governments and working with hundreds of tribal nations throughout North America. They can provide an array of technical services relating to health and wellness programs, tribal governments and other tribal programs.
- SAMHSA’s Substance Use Disorders (SUD) Resource page will help you locate organizations, articles, and other resources that American Indian and Alaska Natives can use to promote healing from substance use disorders.
- Indian Health Service’s Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative Best Practices in Use: Lists evidence-based and practice-based methamphetamine and suicide prevention interventions for Indian Country.
- Johns Hopkins’ Center for American Indian Health provides descriptions of tribal programs on a variety of topics, such as alcohol and drug abuse prevention, mental health, and adolescent health.
- National Indian Health Board’s Healthy Indian Country Initiative Promising Prevention Practices Resource Guide highlights 13 tribal, community-developed prevention programs that are considered promising practices for reducing and preventing disease in Indian Country.
Conference Closing Remarks
- Collegiate Recovery Grant
- Collegiate Recovery Conference
- Contact for Patricia Maarhuis
- Please take a few minutes to fill out our summit satisfaction survey