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The community standards process is designed to support students' safety, uphold student rights and responsibilities, and support the education of students. This is done by holding hearing boards which enable community voice, engagement and empowerment to make decisions within community standards cases.

Washington State University is seeking students, staff and faculty to serve on hearing boards to make decisions that will affect the community and uphold these community standards.

Apply to Serve on a WSU Community Standards Board

Types of Hearing Boards

University Conduct Board

Conduct that might result in suspension or expulsion from WSU. Boards are held within the same week and consist of two 5-hour sessions. 

University Appeals Board

Student appeals for both conduct officer and university conduct board decisions. Boards are held in a single 1-hour session. 

Academic Integrity Hearing Board

Student appeals for faculty decisions concerning academic integrity. Boards are held in a single 1-hour session. 

  • Benefits of Joining

    • A letter of recommendation from the Dean of Students, upon service completion
    • Early class registration for every semester you serve.
    • Learn skills such as critical thinking, policy evaluation, debate, and collaboration.
    • Build your resume for future employment and academic programs. 
    • Receive training in the following subjects:
      • Alcohol and drug prevention
      • Bias identification
      • Conflict on interest
      • Diversity, equity and inclusion
      • Due process
      • Fair and equitable decision making 
      • Implicit and explicit bias
      • Relevant and admissible evidence
      • Sanctioning principles and guidelines
      • Sexual assault and gender-based violence prevention
      • Standards of proof
      • Student development and conduct philosophies
      • Title IX regulatory definitions, jurisdictions and grievance processes
      • Writing decision letters
  • Requirements

    In fulfilling your important role as a board member, you will:

    • Complete online and in-person training sessions*
    • Commit to approximately 2-8 hours every few weeks depending on the board (scheduling is flexible)
    • Maintain at least a 2.5 GPA, part-time or full-time status, and in “Good Standing” with the Center for Community Standards.

Hear from Previous Board Members

I’ve been an instructor for almost 20 years and in that time have encountered my share of academic integrity issues. In the two years I’ve been on the board, I’ve gained an appreciation for the nuances of academic integrity, the importance of clear and objective policies that are effectively communicated to students, and the role of due process for students facing allegations of academic integrity violations. My experience on the board has given me an opportunity to approach academic integrity, whether I’m teaching my students about it or approaching a student about a suspected violation, in a more informed and student-centered manner.

— Dr. Dee Posey | Faculty

I joined the WSU Appeals board as an opportunity to help give back to the community and to meet others. It's been a great experience collaborating with other individuals and meeting different faculty members. I would encourage everyone to try and join because being part of this program has taught me many useful skills that I don't think I would've learned due to my major.

— Rachel Polhamus | Student

I joined because I think it’s important to give back and I thought I had a unique perspective to bring to the University Conduct Board. Also, as a WSU graduate, and longtime employee, being a Cougar is something special. As a past WSU football coach Jim Walden said, ‘I can't define it, I can't tell someone who isn't a cougar what it's like. There's something that happens at Washington State; you quietly and subtly become infected...Washington State is a passion. Being a Cougar is a passion.’

— Scott Vik | Staff

Learn More about the Center for Community Standards

The Center for Community Standards oversees all university hearing boards operations but does not participate in hearing board recruitment.

Hearing board training materials are publicly available in accordance with 34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10).