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Reshaping the Conversation: Integrating Recovery Supports

State of Washington 2021 Collegiate Recovery Conference

Thank you for attending Reshaping the Conversation: Integrating Recovery Supports May 20–21, 2021!

This virtual conference featured dynamic keynote addresses, engaging breakout sessions, and informative expert panel discussions. Washington State University’s Collegiate Recovery Initiative team provided an exciting two-day convening for higher education professionals, national collegiate recovery stakeholders, and those interested in learning more about integrating recovery support as part of a full continuum of student services on campuses.

Moving to an interactive virtual gathering allowed us to host an unlimited number of participants at a time when we need collaboration and discussion more than ever—all without travel costs, missed flights, or lost luggage!

If you were unable to attend the conference, conference materials and recordings from the keynote sessions are available below for you to engage with. If you would like to receive email announcements about the State of Washington Recovery Initiative, please provide your contact info and we will add you to the email list.


Using Person-Centered Language

The Reshaping the Conversation: Integrating Recovery Supports conference planning team understands the power of words and kindly requests conference presenters and attendees to refrain from using language and photos which perpetuate negative stigma surrounding those who use substances, those with substance use disorders, and those living in recovery, as well as those with a mental health condition or disability.

We ask for your assistance in promoting person-centered language when it comes to advocating with and for persons with substance use disorders, those who use substances, and those living in recovery. Please:

  • Use “substance misuse” or “substance use,” instead of “abuse.”
  • Use “person with a substance use/opioid use/alcohol use disorder,” instead of “addict/alcoholic.”
  • Use “has a substance use/opioid use/alcohol use disorder,” or has a substance use disorder involving” if more than one substance is involved, instead of “addicted to a substance/opioids/alcohol use disorders.”
  • Use “testing negative or positive for substance use,” instead of referring to drug screen results as “clean/dirty.”
  • Use “person in recovery” or “person in long-term recovery,” instead of “former addict or alcoholic.”
  • Use “treatment with medications” or “treatment,” instead of “maintenance therapy” or “medication-assisted treatment.”

Again, we thank you for your assistance in supporting this important work. We also welcome any suggestions you may want to share regarding person-centered language.

(Acknowledgment for this content goes to Marshall University Center for Excellence for Recovery, who graciously allowed their letter to be adapted and used for Reshaping the Conversation: Integrating Recovery Supports)

Background: The Washington State Collegiate Recovery Seed Grant Initiative

This grant opportunity includes several key components which will lead to gains in building a statewide continuum of support for higher education students:

  • Direct funding provided: Up to $60,000 for up to four (4) Institutions of Higher Education
  • Best practices training on the intersection of collegiate recovery and harm reduction services
  • Technical assistance for individuals of Institution of Higher Education (IHEs) in the State of Washington who are interested in developing Collegiate Recovery Programs
  • Support in developing campus/community recovery capital networks
  • Share resources through a network of stakeholders throughout the State of Washington
  • Build sustainable connections with like-minded higher education professionals

Frequently Asked Questions