We can help you find the right resource.
Review the on-campus resources listed below for some of the areas we can help connect you to.
Can't find what you're looking for? Schedule an appointment with us.
- Academic Integrity: Learn more about the policies that ensure academic honesty at WSU.
- Academic Success and Career Center (ASCC): Get help with tutoring, academic advising, and on campus jobs.
- Access Center: Accommodations for students with permanent or temporary injuries or disabilities.
- International Programs: Coordination for international students coming to WSU, or students enrolling abroad.
- Global Campus: Learn more about taking online courses and talk with an advisor.
- Libraries: Resources and study spaces to aid you in your coursework.
- Registrar's Office: Assistance with registration, enrollment, academic records, and more.
- Writing Program: Assistance for the Writing Placement Exam, Undergraduate Writing Center, Graduate and Professional Writing Center, and University Writing Portfolio.
Basic Needs Benefits Navigator
Our Basic Needs Benefit Navigator can help you apply for resources related to:
Childcare Assistance
Financial Assistance
Food Security
Health & Wellness
Housing Security
Utility Assistance
- Bursar's Office: Student account information, receivables, loans, and collections.
- Financial Aid: Learn about the types of financial aid, deadlines, and eligibility.
- Handshake: Find a job during your time as a student.
- Student Emergency Funding: Review eligibility and apply for emergency funding from WSU.
Food & Clothing
- Cougs Feeding Cougs:
- The Cougar Food Pantry is a fully stocked pantry in the CUB available to any student.
- Cougar Meal Swipe Program allows students to donate leftover meal plan dollars to Cougs in need.
- Gender Fluid Fashion Closet: Located in the Gender Identity/Expression & Sexual Orientation Resource Center in CUB 401.
- Rosario's Place: Gently used items for children up to 6 years of age, located in the Women*s Center in Wilson-Short Suite 8.
- Student Care Network: Learn about food assistance programs based on campus.
- SNAP food benefits: Apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program through the state of Washington.
- Cougs Feeding Cougs:
- Access Center: Accommodations and services for students with disabilities, psychological or medical conditions, and temporary injuries.
- Cougar Health Services: Healthcare designed just for Cougs.
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Medical Clinic
- Pharmacy
- Vision Clinic
- Dining Services: Connect with a Registered Dietitian about options for allergies, special dietary needs, and other resources.
- Food Assistance: Learn about options for healthy, sustainable food options.
- University Recreation (UREC): Find opportunities for activity that will also help you in classes and find community at WSU.
Housing & Dining
- Cougar Choice Housing: Learn about off-campus housing options through the ASWSU committee.
- Dining Services: Find delicious food options on campus at reasonable prices.
- Dining Centers
- Markets
- Espresso Bars
- Campus Vending
- Compton Union Building
- First-year Live-in Requirement: Learn about the Washington Administrate Code that requires first-year students to live on campus.
- Housing Accommodations: Work with the Access Center for accommodations like ADA compliant rooms, single occupancy rooms, shared/private baths, room modifications or low allergen environments.
- Housing Insecurity:
- Housing & Dining Financial Services: Reach out if you're experiencing financial difficulty, including possible eviction.
- On-Campus Showering Facilities: Locker rooms and showers are available at the Student Recreation Center and Chinook Student Center.
- Housing & Residence Life: Assistance for residence hall and WSU apartments from billing to maintenance. Resident Advisors and full-time Residential Education Directors offer support and connection to campus resources.
Identity & Campus Involvement
- Associated Students of Washington State University (ASWSU): Connect with the student government for undergrads and the 15 subcommittees that provide programs and services.
- Center for Civic Engagement (CCE): Engage with the community through service and activism.
- Center for Fraternity & Sorority Life (CFSL): Learn more about the four student-led councils that work with sorority and fraternity chapters.
- Center for Student Organizations & Leadership: Get involved with student orgs and leadership programming.
- Coug Presence: Find student organizations and events happening on campus.
- Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA): Representation for graduate and professional students.
- Office for Access & Opportunity: Resources for first-gen, low-income, and underrepresented students.
- Peer Health Educators: Workshops and education from student ambassadors on health and safety.
- Social Justice Peer Educators: Student-led workshops on social justice topics.
- Student Centers:
- Office of Veterans Affairs: Support for military-affiliated students at WSU.
Safety & Productivity
- Annual Security and Fire Reports (Clery Act): Information on campus security and crime statistics.
- Center for Community Standards: Helps students understand community standards and provides education.
- Compliance and Civil Rights (CCR): Provides education, advice, and assistance for compliance issues.
- Emergency Blue Light Phones: Request emergency services across campus.
- Emergency Management: WSU's emergency planning and procedures.
- Environmental Health & Safety (EHS): Develops and implements WSU's safety policies and procedures.
- Transportation Services: Parking facilities and transportation options on campus.
- WSU Police Corps Program: Students working as volunteers for the WSU Police Department.
- WSU Police Department: On-campus police support.
- Academic Outreach and Innovation (AOI): Provides livestreaming and other technical support for classes and events.
- Coug Presence: Find events and student organizations.
- Crimson Service Desk: On-campus help desk for students.
- MyWSU: Student information portal for finances, classes, housing contracts, and more.
- Technology Use Guidelines: WSU's policies on technology and academics.
University Policies
- Academic Integrity: WSU's policy to ensure academic honesty is upheld.
- Community Standards (Student Handbook): Student rights and responsibilities that help make campus safe and inclusive.
- Executive Policy 15: Policy prohibiting discrimination and harassment.
- First Year Live-In Requirements: Policy on first year students living on campus.
- University Expectations for Use of Alcohol: Policies and possible sanctions for alcohol use.