Student Care Network

The Student Care Network allows you to share concerns about a student’s wellbeing, behavior, or academic performance with colleagues who can help. After submitting a referral, the Office of the Dean of Students will contact you to gather additional information, talk about the situation, and identify next steps. The goal is to determine the best way to connect the student with resources that support their success without causing additional stress.

Guide to Helping Students in Distress

Faculty and staff are often able to recognize when a student is struggling, but it can be hard to know what to say or do. You can reference the Guide to Helping Students in Distress when you’re concerned about a student. Each WSU location has a guide with specific campus and community resources.

Resources for Student Assistance

From financial and food assistance to helping with technology needs, the Student Care Network supports students with valuable resources so they can achieve their academic goals.

Hate Has No Place Here 

The Cougar community is an inclusive place where all people are welcomed and supported. The Hate Has No Place Here flyer has links to resources for reporting discrimination or harassment. Please download it and post in your spaces as appropriate. Digital signage is also available.