Office of the Dean of Students

We're here for you.

We are your partners in navigating your WSU experience. This might include working through a complex process, answering questions, or getting you connected to a much-needed resource. We offer support to Pullman and Global campuses: undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.

Online appointments can take 1-2 days to confirm; critical needs will be prioritized above all other appointments. If you need immediate assistance, please call 509-335-5757.

We can help you with:

  • Academic policies
  • Access to support systems
  • Basic needs navigation
  • Campus and community involvement
  • Conduct and behavioral issues
  • Crisis and emergency situations
  • Housing and food insecurity
  • And more!

Contact Us



French Administration Building, Room 122

Office Hours
Monday -Friday
8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Virtual Office Hours
By advance appointment only. Expanded virtual appointment hours available Mon-Thurs, 5:00-6:00 p.m.

Schedule an appointment

Emergency Student Funding Request

Student Emergency Funds are available for students experiencing financial emergencies that include, but are not limited to, housing, food, health care, and materials required for classes. These emergency funds are available thanks to generous contributions from donors.

Student Care Network

When a student’s emotional or psychological well-being, physical health, or academic performance are of concern, you can always use the Student Care Network to get them the help they need. Early intervention can make a big difference in outcomes.

Campus Resources and Support

There are many resources—both on campus and in the community—that you can call on for support. Visit this page for a list of resources that can help you, no matter what WSU campus you attend.